Citizen App

Citizen App

Obodo's citizen app is a multi-layered platform that makes it incredibly easy for residents and associations of a municipality to communicate with each other, get information and network. The added value of this app is to finally know again what is happening on our own doorstep. Having a say to promote the WE feeling, giving and getting support, saving money as well as time and resources by securing the best discounts in stores, and always being up to date are the cornerstones of smart living together. Interfacing with the administration's website is always possible. Here too, certain member rights are inevitable and necessary.

By setting the visibility, the range of the posts can be determined. Whether local or even supra-local (up to 50 km radius) - that is up to each user.

The Obodo citizen app is a multi-layered platform that makes it incredibly easy for residents and associations of a municipality to communicate with each other.

Obodo's citizen app is a multi-layered platform that makes it incredibly easy for residents and associations of a municipality to communicate with each other, get information and network. The added value of this app is to finally know again what is happening on our own doorstep. Having a say to promote the WE feeling, giving and getting support, saving money as well as time and resources by securing the best discounts in stores, and always being up to date are the cornerstones of smart living together. Interfacing with the administration's website is always possible. Here too, certain member rights are inevitable and necessary.

By setting the visibility, the range of the posts can be determined. Whether local or even supra-local (up to 50 km radius) - that is up to each user.

The Obodo citizen app is a multi-layered platform that makes it incredibly easy for residents and associations of a municipality to communicate with each other.




Digital village square 

Here is informed and posted. Events relevant to the user, news, polls, events or discussions as well as rentals or neighborhood help are displayed on the village square. Scheduled posts are also possible.

Group chat 

Possibility to form groups, whether the new neighborhood or the new yoga group, the local council or the theater group - DSGVO-compliant chats as well as the forwarding of messages on the village or marketplace offer direct communication in the app.


Here, commitment and neighborly help are put to the test. You can offer your own support and, for example, also earn a thaler or two watering flowers or walking the dog. Or you lost your glasses case at the market? In the search tool "Lost and Found" you might find it again.


The marketplace offers the opportunity to pass on used items instead of throwing them away. Local products can be advertised here and specific utensils can be searched for.

Garbage and defects

When will the garbage be picked up? Where will the road be rebuilt and when will this defect be corrected? Interesting news and reminders about the current situation.


All events from the community, city and region in one agenda. Create events with date, place, number of participants and so on.

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